Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Fujifilm F50fd

各位大家好~! 近来没什么想写的... 如果你之前路过的话, 向你说声抱歉了. 前两个星期突然神经起来, 想买个digicam..... 然后拼命地到佳里去"爬贴".... 经过一番努力后, 终于找到我想要的了--> Fujifilm F31fd, 号称最好的消费型数码相机,夜拍王, 等等.... 但是竟然,没卖了~! @#$%^*~! 不用紧, 我再找~! 好了, 决定还是Fujifilm的, F40fd 或 F50fd..... 然后我和女友找了全马六甲, 没有一间卖Fujifilm的产品~! 花了整天, "得个吉"~! @#$%^&~! 终于的终于, 我上个拜六在lowyat买了它, My F50fd. 没错, 它的价钱是>50%我的薪水~! 救命啊~! 但是我相信是值得的.... sob.... sob....
Fujifilm F50fd 12Mega Pixel 3X Optical Zoom. 其实像素(pixel)不但不是重点, 还会拖累成像的素质, 基本上6MP就够了, 也可以储存更多张照. 3X optical 我是觉得少啦, 但是没办法,毕竟不是Prosumer或DSLR.

Face Detection 2.0 技术....超短时间内识别最多达10张人的脸部

Super CCD 防抖系统.... Gyro传感器侦测到轻微的模糊,然后影像稳定芯片计算出需要修正的值,在这个基础上ccd进行位移补偿手抖。


  1. 自己拍的那三张,技术上要多下功夫。

  2. JunRong Qiu 先生, 谢谢你的愚见. 哦, 不, 是高见. 照片一是在等traffic light用<5秒拍的,本人觉得是艺术. 照片二蛋黄是主角,所以只focus它. 照片三如何能选更好的角度来拍? 望阁下能给予实例参考.献丑了.

  3. hey kfc i'm thinking very serious to buy a digicam too recently..but i'm "ba chi" for this fujifilm really so powerful ar? My initial brand for consideration are Sony, Canon and Olympus le..

  4. 第一次来

    我喜欢klcc 的那张。。
    多拍些 post 上来 =)

  5. Ms Ecyoj, if choose by brand, sony is stylish, olympus for water resistant, I'd recommend Fujifilm/Nikon/Canon, cos they are the big 3 in quality and experience. other than that, are budgeted choices...

    just .. jess 小姐, 谢谢. 好的, 有空常来. :)

  6. Jake先生,不要酱不爽我啦。I so jealous that you spent almost the same $$$ but gets better camera.

    Ecyoj, I do agree with Jake. I heard many pro cameramen use Nikon. I think you can buy your new camera in Singapore, it shd be cheaper price compare to M'sia market. I just checked the forex in JB here, its RM228=S$100. :(
